* [Bayesian Deep Nets and Deep Gaussian Processes](#bayesian-deep-nets-and-deep-gaussian-processes)
* [Inference for Deep Gaussian Processes](#inference-for-deep-gaussian-processes)
* [Convolutional Nets and Gaussian Processes](#convolutional-nets-and-gaussian-processes)
* [Bayesian Convolutional Nets](#bayesian-convolutional-nets)
* [Calibration of Bayesian Convolutional Nets](#calibration-of-bayesian-convolutional-nets)
* [Random Feature Expansions for Shallow and Deep Gaussian Processes](#random-feature-expansions-for-shallow-and-deep-gaussian-processes)
* [Variational Inference](#variational-inference)
* [Variational Inference for Gaussian Process Models](#variational-inference-for-gaussian-process-models)
* [Unsupervised learning with Deep Gaussian Processes](#unsupervised-learning-with-deep-gaussian-processes)
* [Multi-task Learning with Gaussian Processes](#multi-task-learning-with-gaussian-processes)
* [Bayesian Optimization](#bayesian-optimization)
* [Other GP and DGP Models](#other-gp-and-dgp-models)
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